Establishing Discipleship and Mission in Everyday LIFE…
Reach House is a discipleship/mission training program for young adults ages 18-26 who have grown or desire to grow in their faith to the point of being committed believers in Christ able to reach and disciple others to do the same. It is an opportunity to explore ministry, calling, and missions in a live-in community environment with a challenging and life-changing internship experience with Life Promotions. We desire that each young adult who participates in Reach House will be eternally transformed for the purposes of God.
Each young adult must be willing to submit themselves to a high level of commitment to the program’s community-living model, discipleship course work, and scheduled outreach activities through Life Promotions and other venues that present themselves throughout the program.
To train men and women who have a heart for God’s world and for seeing the Great Commission fulfilled locally and globally.
- interns grow in the knowledge of who God is and encounter his heart for the world
- interns grow in the knowledge of their unique identity in the Kingdom of God
- interns learn how to effectively share Christ and participate in Kingdom ministry with a loving servant’s heart
- community living
- discipleship by House Leaders
- relevant teaching from God’s Word
- cultural education and training pertaining to their audience/people group
- hands-on experience serving with local and global outreaches
- interns learn how God is working locally and globally
- interns grow in their relationship with God
- interns grow in the awareness that all of life is ministry
- interns develop body life skills, understanding team unity, and depth of fellowship that will carry over into later life
- interns learn their unique call and design within the body of Christ doing their part in fulfilling the great commission of going into all the world making disciples of every nation
- ages 18 - 26
- evidence of personal commitment to Christ and personal maturity
- commitment to community living, including programs, scheduled activities, and informal time spent together
- openness to grapple honestly with personal issues in order to grow
- previous experience in serving
The discipleship/missional training runs from September - May with a summer extension and includes:
- A week off at the end of August
- Two weeks off for Christmas break
- A week off for a Spring break in March/April
Tentative Daily Schedule (days & times will vary due to ministry opportunities):
Monday - Friday
Breakfast and group devotions
Work/ministry sight (averaging 4 hours a day with extended hours during outreaches)
Evening meals shared together
Evening class: Monday & Wednesday
Free time: Tuesday & Thursday evenings
Young adult gathering opportunities Thursday & Friday evenings
Varies based on outreaches
Church and Free Day (unless traveling)
- Between $500-$700 a month (depending on travel expenses) this will include rent, utilities, internet, home supplies and repairs, food, and travel expenses.
- You will be responsible for your own personal needs such as cell phone, computer, vehicle if you bring one, clothes, misc. supplies, personal food, and any activities apart from Reach House and Life Promotions covered events.
- Fill out the application and submit it to Don and Eileen (link below)
- Once the application is received, an interview will be set up if you meet the qualifications
- Upon acceptance, we will contact you with the next steps and a move-in date
Meet the Reach House Leaders
Don and Eileen Nickols were married on May 10, 1986. They have raised four boys and have added 4 daughters-in-law and presently 8 grandchildren.
Don had been on staff at Christ the Rock Community Church as a mission’s pastor/associate pastor for 28 years and Eileen as a mission’s administrator for 9 years. For over 18 years, they have led Short Term Teams to Romania, Haiti, Mexico, and Alaska. They have been foster parents through adult foster care and Rawhide Boys Ranch. They have had the privilege of raising a beautiful girl from Kenya through her teen years after some sad losses. They helped start the Reach House program in Appleton which ran for 9 years, as a ministry under Christ the Rock in which they served as House Parents for 6 years. Two years ago, they developed and directed a “Reach House” on the Lac Courte Oreilles Indian Reservation. Recently, they moved back to Little Chute, Wisconsin, and have partnered with Life Promotions to develop a new Reach House program under Life Promotions. They have a passion for young adults locally and globally and are excited to work with Life Promotions.
Past Participants
Carly S. 2016-2018
I grew up in a Christian home. I went to Sunday School every week. I knew all the right answers. I was a good kid, and I even thought about being a missionary when I grew up. I accepted Christ when I was 12, but my faith was still mostly head knowledge. I knew what I should do, but often I found that my heart was not on board. During my time at Reach House, Don and Eileen taught me to allow God’s truth to move in and take control of my heart, and I have never been the same since!! Now I am a full-time missionary in Romania, and the things I learned in Reach House I am using every day.
Adam W. 2018-2019
How did you grow spiritually during your gap year?
I would say that during my gap year I grew spiritually by having more of an understanding of the world around me and the people around me. I think at the end of the year I had been to 19 different states, and throughout all those different states I had met a lot of different people, who obviously had different faith/spiritual backgrounds then me. I was able to have different accounts of different kinds of people who have experienced a lot of ups and downs in their life, different than mine. My spiritual growth throughout my gap year was based on getting a wider perspective on the world around me through the people I had met and interacted with along the way.
How did your internship with Life Promotions make an impact on your life?
This is something I think about a pretty good amount. How did that year of my life impact me and help make me into the person I am today? I can say that my internship with Life Promotions started my life on a different trajectory than what it was originally on. Before my gap year, my faith wasn’t the strongest. I didn’t know a lot about the Bible, or about grace, or Law and Gospel. I had gone through Confirmation, went to National Youth Gatherings, and was even a part of the high school worship team, but I never really grew in my faith that much throughout those years in my life. It wasn’t until my gap year where through the experiences on the road team and working at the office, my faith was tested, my beliefs were questioned, where I was exposed to the real world where not everyone is a part of the same denomination, but that’s okay if we all believe in the same God and the same promise of Jesus Christ. My faith first became important to me after my gap year and has shaped me into who I am today and will continue to make me grow in different parts of my life. And I have my doubts that none of that would be happening in my life if I hadn’t taken the steps to make the internship with Life Promotions happen for myself.