Let’s Come Together in 2024!

Dear Friend of Youth,
In 2022, in preparation for Life Promotions 40th Year of Ministry we created our current fundraising campaign Hope for Life 4.0. The campaign has a goal of raising $4 million by the end of 2023. It’s a crazy number, but a number needed to keep the organization on the front lines fighting for America’s youth.

As an 18-year-old I vowed to link arms with others to “block the road to hell,” and live a life proclaiming hope and salvation in Jesus. Ever since, the core of my life and the ministry has been evangelism. That is what I’m called to do. But if buildings and money are all that matters, then this ministry and I personally have failed. And yet, l would do it all over again for the joy of knowing that what follows it represents “real people” and “real impact” for the glory of God. 

40 Years of Life Promotions

There has been so much more impact over the years through Lifest, Dignity Revolution, and Quakes that you can learn about if you CLICK HERE. I’m utterly amazed by what God did and continues to do! And yet, as impressive as those numbers may be, it still comes down to the one.

The Facts

Did you know, according to reports, more than 20% of teens have seriously considered suicide? More than 50% of young people who experience rape, or physical or sexual abuse will attempt to commit suicide. It’s no wonder we now see skyrocketing numbers of teens dealing with anxiety, depression, drug abuse, and addiction. Youth today are just grasping for ways to cope… they need a message of Hope!

As someone who has a heart to reach teens and understands Jesus is the answer, you know reaching them in the middle of their messiness, right where they are, is where we can make the most impact. And yet, only 18% of teens currently attend church with their families. This leaves a huge gap that needs to be filled. I want you to know that your support of Life Promotions fills that gap for literally thousands of youth.

Life Changing: Meet Penny

Just a couple of months ago, I spoke at our Dignity Revolution assembly where I shared that everyone has value, no matter their circumstances. After the assembly, a girl named Penny came running up to me with tears pouring down her face. This is her story… I was abused by my parents. And I was brutally raped. Because of that, I thought I was worthless. Thank you! Thank you! I now know that doesn’t have to define me! There is hope for me!

Her life was changed in that moment. She was so moved by our school assembly message that day. This is the impact you have on the youth of today!  
Not only did you help us present an opportunity for Penny to hear a message of hope, but you helped me realign my thoughts too. Before the assembly, I struggled. I asked, “After 40 years of speaking, is any of this still worth it?” After Penny shared, I knew immediately that it is always worth it! You are instrumental in the life-changing process of so many.

God didn’t stop with that Dignity Revolution assembly, Penny, or even me. I made sure Penny knew to come to the local church outreach event that night where I was able to share the Gospel. Only 90 people showed up, but of the 90, 30 gave their lives to Christ…and one of those was Penny!

Let’s Come Together to Transform Youth in 2024

When one life is changed, we trust God will use that one life to change another…and another.

The transformation for teens from feeling worthless to coming into a relationship with the One who defines their worth is priceless and critical. The transformation starts with us… you and me.

In 2024, we have more work to do. We can’t afford to sit back. We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. With less than four weeks to go to reach our campaign goal of $4 million, we are still in need of $1.3 million. We not only need your help, we need a MIRACLE!  Will you prayerfully consider your most generous one-time gift ever to the Ministry? Or consider becoming a monthly supporter at $40 a month? Or even $400 a month?

I would do it all again for Penny, for the one. And I believe you would too. Let’s be the catalyst for hope and provide the only message that will rescue them…the Gospel of Jesus. Together, let’s make 2024 our most impactful year yet. 

Bob Lenz